In many industrial fields, including the automobile industry, product platforms have been used successfully for several years, it has now been applied to cylindrical grinders.
The modular platform concept is to the customer's advantageIn many industrial fields, including the automobile industry,product platforms have been used successfully for several years.A standardisation of systems, sub-assemblies and components, evenover different makes and models, are of central importance, themain target being a reduction of engineering time and costs.Although the above cannot be directly applied to machine tolls,the following explanations should show that similarities existand a platform concept also provides considerable advantages withregard to the universal and external cylindrical grindingmachines of Studer. The Studer product range is characterised bya large variety of machine types and versions with the intentionof satisfying the different requirements of a large number ofinternational customers. Due to this multitude of types andvariations, there are additional expenses for engineering,production and logistics.
In this field, a modular platformconcept, combined with a consequent 'same partstrategy', provides economical and technical advantages forthe manufacturer as well as for the customer.
All the newdevelopments of recent years in the field of universal andcylindrical external grinding machines are based on two basicplatform types with standardised sub-assemblies, components andinterfaces.
The product platforms for the respective machinetypes derive from this: Platform basis A for the machines S21,S31 and eco, Platform basis B for machines S32 and S41 Furtherproduct platforms can be built from the above, and realised withminimal technical risks.
Characteristics of the basic types ofplatforms A and B - common characteristics * Machine bed inGranitan S103 with 3-point support.
* Circulating balls screwswith directly coupled servo motors.
* Linear measuring systems.
* Well dimensioned slides.
* Coolanttray.
* Protected guideways.
Varying characteristics: Platformtype A: * Distance between centres max: 1000mm.*Centre height max: 175mm.
* workpiece weight, max: 120kg.
*Guideways, X and Z axis: linear roller ways.
* Distance betweenthe guideways: 200 mm.
* Workpiece table: 140 mm for centreheight 175mm and 200mm for centre height 225mm.
Platform type B:* Distance between centres, max: 1600mm.
* Centre heightmax: 225mm.
* Workpiece weight max: 180kg.
* Guideways: X axis:Pre-loaded hydrostatic guideways and Z axis, linear rollerbearings.
* Distance between the guideways: 250mm.
* Workpiecetable: 140mm.
Platform concept combined with modularsub-assemblies - the combination of product platforms and modularsub-assemblies, such as wheelheads, workheads, tailstocks, etc,form the basis for a versatile and clear product structure.However, the possibilities of combining are limited by physicaland economical restrictions.
These are due to the machine sizes,the drive power of the wheelhead and the type of machine, i e,universal or cylindrical external grinding machine.
Product andstrategic marketing considerations are further criteria which caninfluence and restrict the combination possibilities.
The basicversions of wheelheads are firmly allocated to the differentproduct platforms.
We distinguish between wheelheads withintegrated B axis for the universal cylindrical grinding machinesand the fixed or limited swivelling wheelheads for thecylindrical external grinding machines.
The layout of grindingwheels can be adapted to the customer's requirements withinthe possibilities of the respective modular concept.
For furtherinformation with regard to the grinding wheel layout, pleaserefer to the respective documents.
Depending on the main use, theproduct platforms can be equipped with workheads for universal orchuck applications.
One of the main differences, apart from theadmissible load, is the tool clamping interface.
For automaticprocessing, for instance of highly accurate components in largeseries for the Diesel injection industry, special workheads canbe installed.
On all the product platforms there is the samebasic tailstock type.
This unit is conceived for the differentcentre heights and table loads.
For automatic processing, specialversions are available.
Summary - the modular platform conceptfor the universal and external cylindrical grinding machines ofStuder brings various advantages: * Reduced engineering time andcosts for realising similar machine types or versions.
* Savingsfor the manufacturer and the customer by using compatible systemsand components.
* Versatile product structures by combining theproduct platforms with modular sub-assemblies and standardisedinterfaces.
* High reliability of the products thanks to ampleexperience gained with the product platforms under differentworking conditions.
* High and stable quality thanks toproduction in series and standardised quality checks.
*Accessories can be used for different product platforms.
*Identical service and maintenance thanks to similar systems andcomponents.
* Short-term availability of spare parts.
*Simplified retrofitting of functions and sub-assemblies..