Horizontal HG CNC machine platform is designed for external cylindrical, out-of-round, face and internal grinding.
Horizontal HG machine platform is designed for externalcylindrical, out-of-round, face and internal grinding. The designallows for a great number of machine variants to be configuredexactly in accordance with individual machining requirements:from the external grinding of one-offs and the productiongrinding of large batches of small or large, long or shortshaft-type components (know-how Karstens) to the internal andexternal grinding of high-precision chucked components (know-howReinecker) and the grinding of cams, camshafts and crankshafts(know-how Kopp). Even very different manufacturing problems aresolved by using largely identical basic machines, with all theobvious advantages for the user: standardised operation,programming and maintenance, resulting in a shorter learningcurve and reduced maintenance costs.
Planning the deployment oflabour becomes easier, owing to increased flexibility, makingmultiple-machine operation possible.
Based on this machineplatform for grinding lengths of up to 3,000 mm and grindingwheel diameters of up to 762mm EMAG showed at EMO 2001 the size3, the Karstens HG 310A for the external cylindrical grinding ofmedium size shaft components.
The quality standards for groundcomponents in particular, increase day by day.
At the same timeprocess integrity has become the main criterion in serialproduction grinding; values of Cpk 1.67 / Cmk 2.0 are a reality.Other important objectives of production planning are short,flexible production sequences.
Short retooling times must beachieved, to ensure that component manufacturing costs do notrise despite a steadily increasing workpiece diversity and theshrinking of batch sizes.
In addition to that, different batchsizes require different automation concepts.
The deciding factorwhere machining results are concerned, is the correct grindingtool.
The requirements of the various abrasives used on modernmachine tools have to be met.
The same applies to cutting fluids,as they too have a fundamental influence on machining results.Machine manufacturers (and often users too) have paid littleattention to them in the past; but they must be given dueconsideration in any new machine design.
The new horizontal HGgrinding machine platform of EMAG's grinding machine grouptakes account of all the demands required by modern externalcylindrical grinding machines.
The basic assemblies, such asspindles, measuring devices and drives are manufactured in largenumbers within the Group and assembled into working entities ofmodular design.
This also includes various work headstocks,grinding units, tailstocks, measuring devices, dressingattachments for CBN and corundum grinding wheels, and interfacesfor loading and unloading equipments.
The thermostable machinebase - also of static and dynamic rigidity - carries the slides.The sturdy compound table design reduces the footprint and saveson expensive production floor space.
It also makes the changeoverof grinding wheels easier.
NC tailstocks and flexible driversensure that a variety of workpieces can be quickly accommodated.The machining area allows generous axis movements.
The energysupply circuits are maintenance friendly.
Hydrostatic guidewaysin all linear axes allow for smallest infeeds, with optimalcontinuity of movement.
They are stick-slip free and welldampened and lead to contour integrity and an exceptional surfacefinish.
The machine is prepared to accept cutting oils as well asemulsions and allows high pressure and high volume deliveries,which facilitate CBN technology.
The demand for operator comfortand ease of servicing is fulfilled by the standardised controlsystem.
The EMAG on/off-line operating and programming systemtakes care of the varied demands made on the different machiningrequirements of this modular grinding machine platform.
Allprocess-specific functions, including loading, gauging, etc., canbe called up with standardised commands and are dialogue-based, avery operator-friendly feature.
Other demands from productioncompanies have also been taken into account.
Energy supply linesare located outside the machining area.
This preventscontamination and downtimes, makes for an uncluttered machiningarea and eases servicing.
The machine envelope is separate fromthe machine base, so that outside influences can have no adverseeffect on machining results.
The various grinding lengths and thedifferent sizes of work headstocks, tailstocks and back restsallows for the machining of a large variety of workpieces frommany branches of industry, from 200g to 700kg in weight, with atailor-made machine, using the most appropriate grinding method:gear shafts, differential gear shafts, camshafts, motor shafts,pump pinions, steering pinions, slide valves, steering gearboxes,turbine wheels, compressor wheels, axles and work spindles,components for textile machinery, for wind generators and otherhigh-precision equipment.
Kopp also will use this grindingmachine platform and offer in the near future the HG 310N typefor the machining of cams, polygon profiles, camshafts andcrankshafts.