Production cylindrical grinders are fast, precise
The highly productive S-series of cnc cylindrical internal and external grinding machines offer a wide range of options, fast setting-up and high precision.
Grinding Technology for Tool Production The highly productiveS31cnc cylindrical internal and external grinding machine has awheelhead with two external grinding wheels for rough and finishgrinding left/left. Range of applications includes any type ofcylindrical internal and external machining for automaticproduction of individual components and series. The modularmachine structures, the modern control and programming technique,as well as the grinding technologies, guarantee a highproductivity and excellent machining quality.
The S31cnc isavailable with a distance between centres of 650/1000mm and acentre height of 175mm.
The machine has now been completed withan additional wheelhead version.
This allows the installation oftwo motor spindles.
Consequently, two diagonally installedgrinding wheels, with diameters up to 500mm, can be used.
Thanksto the independently programmable drives, these wheels can beadapted optimally for the respective grinding task, guaranteeinga large speed and perfor- mance range.
The B-axis swivelsautomatically with a resolution of 0.0001deg so that even thesmallest taper angles can be processed with cylindrical grindingwheels to extreme accuracy.
The Studer S32cnc is a fast, accurateand reliable external, cylindrical CNC grinding machine.
TheS32cnc has chameleon-like properties.
Thanks to the large varietyof extensions and versions, a large number of applications can becarried out on this machine according to customers requirements.This is possible thanks to X-axis versions at 0deg or 30deg, andthe possibility of positioning the grinding wheel on the left orthe right side.
Thanks to the versatile machine concept, thismachine permits a selection of the most suitable grinding method,according to individual customer requirements.
This means thatthe machine can master simple and complex tasks in a very highquality.
In the standard version, with the grinding wheel on theright side and a distance between centres of 400mm, this machineis perfectly suited for grinding small and average-sizedworkpieces.
In conjunction with the diamond roll dressingattachment, the S32cnc becomes a highly productive machine.
Ofcourse, thanks to the proven Studer concept it can be automatedeasily.
The use of our C axis turns the S32cnc into a high-powerplunge grinder.
In this context, the hydrostatic guideways of theX axis play an important role as they allow extremely rapid axestraversing with a minimum of axis lag.
Due to the new materialsthat are emerging in the market, the machining process has to beadapted to the situation.
The S32cnc can also master this problemas it can be equipped for high-speed grinding.
With a cuttingspeed of more than 125m/sec, even materials difficult to machine,such as zirconium ceramics or tungsten carbide, can be processedeconomically.
The Studer S40cnc is a highly productive universalinternal and external cylindrical grinding machine.
Its range ofapplications includes any type of external and internalcylindrical grinding task for the automatic production of one-offand series production.
The modular machine structures, the moderncontrol and the programming technique as well as the most recentgrinding technology guarantee a high productivity and machiningquality.
The S40cnc is available with distances between centresof 1000 or 1600mm and centre heights between 125 and 225mm.Wheelheads and workheads for practically any type of use areavailable.
The B-axes is oriented automatically with a resolutionof 0.0001deg so that even the smallest taper angle can be groundto the utmost accuracy with, straight grinding wheels.
We showthe universality of the machine on a complex chuck element.Grinding of forms and threads is always one element of completemachining.
The position and speed-controlled C-axis renders thesegrinding procedures possible.
A measuring system installed on themotor axis of the workhead or on the work spindle providesmaximum form accuracy of the form during the grinding process.Acceleration and grinding forces are easily absorbed by thedynamic rigidity of the axes drives.
With regard to threadgrinding parallel to the axes, the grinding wheel is notswivelled to the pitch angle of the thread, but it remains in thevertical position so that its angle of rotation remains parallelto the Z-axis.
Consequently, while grinding the thread there willbe a distortion of the profile which is compensated by the Studersoftware StuderThreadCNC to a negligible deviation.
Bycalculating the profile distortion and the automatic generationor optimised dressing programmes, thread grinding becomes nearlyas simple as plunge grinding or traverse grinding.
The StuderS60cnc is designed for the grinding of tool holders with theuniversal and production external cylindrical grinding machine.Progress can be obtained by force.
One is tempted to say thiswhen watching the Studer S60cnc in operation.
In order to fulfilthe increasing requirements of the tools, the quality of the toolholding fixtures has to be improved continuously.
The very bestquality of the workpiece is obtained if it can be processed inone single clamping and in one machining pass.
The Studer S60cncpermits complete grinding of tool holders up to the dimensionISO50.
By complete grinding we mean: the V-groove, the externaldiameter, the taper and, if required, the shoulder of the taperin one plunge cut.
Work is carried out by means of a profiledgrinding wheel.
The S60cnc with its elements entirely laid-outfor the production, for instance the grinding wheel width of upto 160mm and the grinding wheel diameter of 750mm, is perfectlysuitable for this type of application and therefore providesexcellent grinding results.
With this procedure, a tool holderISO 50, for instance, is manufactured to quality class AT-3 injust less than 90 seconds.
For this machine, the quality classAT-1 is no problem any longer.
In fact, it is a standardmachining task in a second clamping combined with in-processgauging.
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