Superabrasive grinding reduces cycle times by 80%
Superabrasive machining and turning systems deliver massive reductions in product cycle times - in some cases by over 80% - and equally impressive tool cost savings.
Holroyd's new Edgetek range of superabrasive machining andturning systems is providing European industry with a uniqueopportunity to improve competitiveness by delivering massivereductions in product cycle times - in some cases by over 80% -and equally impressive tool cost savings. Designed for use onwide range of standard and ultra hard and exotic materials,including ceramics, nickel, tool steel, Waspalloy, Inconel,Hastelloy, powdered metals and Stellite, the Edgetek machinesdeliver improved quality and part consistency as well as offeringsimplified set-up to optimise manufacturing time. The launch ofthe Edgetek machines further strengthens Holroyd's positionas the world leader in the manufacture of machines and turnkeymanufacturing cells to produce worm and helical gears and helicalscrew rotors.
Manufactured in the UK, at Holroyd's factoryin Rochdale, the multi-axis, CNC controlled machines deployproven high efficiency deep grinding (HEDG) techniques, usingCubic Boron Nitride (CBN) wheels at surface speeds of up to9000m/min.
This enables them to achieve high depths of cut andoptimised metal removal rates far exceeding those of moreconventional machines, such as CNC lathes, milling and machiningcentres and grinders.
In addition to improving product cycletimes, the 'low heat' HEDG system also produces astronger finished component that, when compared to those producedby other techniques such as creep feed grinding, is less likelyto be deformed.
Fundamental to the Edgetek machines superiorlevels of performance and precision, is a unique granite polymerbase and column.
Developed to satisfy the need for extremerigidity and enhanced vibration damping, the polymer basetypically weighs 3 tonnes and has no resonant frequency.
As aresult, it enables higher precision machining to be achieved.Like other unique components in the design, the base reflects themanufacturer's determination to develop a machine range thathas been engineered specifically for high performancesuperabrasive machining.
Holroyd Sales Director, Paul Hannah,explains: 'Unlike other manufacturers, Holroyd is notoffering a range of existing machines that have been adapted.Rather, we are providing a comprehensive product range that hasbeen designed from scratch, incorporating new and sophisticatedtechnology which has been developed specifically withsuperabrasive machining in mind.' 'Every aspect ofHolroyd's Edgetek range has been engineered to provideunsurpassed performance coupled with a level of versatility thatis sure to appeal to the widest possible range of manufacturingoperations.
The massive productivity gains and cost savingsexperienced by those who have made the switch to superabrasivemachining speak for themselves and prove that the technologicaldevelopments pioneered by our machines represent a highlysignificant breakthrough for the future of machining.' Theflexibility of the Holroyd Edgetek design, and the huge varietyof machine types and multi-axis configurations available, enablesthe machines to provide unparalleled levels of precision andproductivity in the manufacture of almost any type of parts -gears and sprockets, rotors and impellers, medical instruments,hand tools, air foils and nozzle guides, airframe actuationcomponents, ducting supports, mechanical seals - and many, many,more.
The machines serve a broad spectrum of industry types,including power generation, automotive, aerospace, medicals,tools and general engineering.
In all of these industries thesimplified set-up of the Holroyd machines ensures that muchproduction time is saved.
At the same time, tooling costs aremuch reduced as the CBN wheels do not suffer from excessivelevels of wear as a result of being subjected to the interruptedcuts experienced on conventional machines, due to their set-uplimitations.
Further emphasising the case for CBN wheels is theremarkable accuracy and metal removal rates that can be achievedby Holroyd Edgetek machines on a wide range of ultra hard andexotic materials and carbon-rich metals.
The large depths of cutthat can be achieved, and the accompanying lower temperature ofHEDG techniques are particularly relevant to aerospacemanufacturing processes, promoting dramatically improvedproductivity, less surface deformation, improved accuracy andbetter surface finish.
Superabrasive technology using CBNgrinding wheels is also a highly successful method of machiningcomponents made from powdered metals popular with automotivemanufacturers.
Although valued for their homogeneous andstress-free composition, materials which have undergone thesintering process are notoriously difficult to machine and aretotally unsuitable for conventional turning.
A combination ofHigh Efficiency Deep Grinding techniques and CBN grinding wheelshas proved extremely successful for the accurate and efficientmachining of powdered metals and has earned Holroyd'sEdgetek superabrasive machining centres growing support amongmanufacturers of components such as gears and sprockets.Providing an ideal complement to the Edgetek machinesmanufacturing flexibility - while at the same time improvingproduction rates, is a unique, Holroyd-designed, 3-dimensionalscanning and measurement system.
Powerful in operation, thesoftware based system measures 500 separate points and comparesthem against the perfect profile while the component is still inthe machine.
Any deviations are corrected automatically beforecompletion of the machine cycle.
If the deviation is greater thana set norm, however, then the system program alerts the operatorto the fact that the wheel may need re-dressing.
Holroyd ismanufacturing Edgetek machines in all types and configurations,3, 4 or 5 axes.
The machines offer state-of-the-art controlfeatures such as Fanuc CNC controls, automated parts handling,customised workholding, cooling systems, programming and processdevelopment and CBN wheel development.
The machines can betailored to suit specific applications and supplied as completeturnkey solutions as part of a manufacturing cell.
They aresupported by a worldwide service network and benefit frommanufacturer developed preventative maintenance plans..
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