Cylindrical grinder does one-off and small batches
Cylindrical grinder provides a highly flexible, single-cycle universal solution to the finishing of one-off parts or small batch runs.
Developed to provide a highly flexible, single-cycle universalsolution to the cylindrical grinding of one-off parts or smallbatch runs, the latest Danobat G-41 cylindrical grinding machineis able to accommodate external, internal diameters, faces andtapers. Now marketed through 600 Centre of Shepshed nearLoughborough, the Danobat G-41 Universal 'U' machinecan also be specified as a lower cost 90 (degree) approachconventional cylindrical grinder designated 'S'. Themachine has been developed in order to maximise the potential ofcubic boron nitride (CBN) wheel technology through high orders ofdesign rigidity.
This means high performance, accuracy andrepeatability have been developed into the machine.
When thesefeatures are combined with Danobat's DanOp, DanBop andDanCad software modules, flexibility and operationalfunctionality provide a high performance grinding package forcomponents up to 348 mm diameter by 1,000 mm long.
Built on astabilised pearlitic cast iron base with integrated 'doublebody' table, the machine is compact, stable and very rigid.Table swivel is +9 degree to -2 degree.
The servo driven table isable to swivel between +45 degree and -15 degree and the workheadwill accept components weighing up to 125kg between centres withstepless programmable speed range between 30 and 1,000 revs/min.The indexing universal wheelhead has zero, 30 degree, 90 degreeand 180 degree working positions and the ability to carryexternal, face grinding or internal grinding spindles.
Theuniversal wheelhead has a 7.5kW drive, 45m/sec wheel speed and500mm by 80mm by 203mm external grinding wheel and a facegrinding wheel.
It also has the ability to carry one of a rangeof four internal grinding spindles having up to 30,000 revs/minspeed and the capacity to grind bores up to 160mm diameter.
Withthe option of a 90 degree approach wheelhead, this has a 5.5kW,45m/sec grinding speed and wheel size of 400mm by 63mm by 127mm.Based on Fanuc 210i control system, software development was seenas important to the Danobat specification.
This has resulted inthe DanBop machine control software being classified to be assimple to operate as a manual machine and this is achieved bysimply selecting the type of work required.
It can incorporatefully or semi-automatic cycles and accommodate dressing,measurement and changes to grinding parameters.
The DanOpsoftware module accommodates machine functions with soft keyprogramming for set-up, wheel management, work cycling andproduction management.
DanCad incorporates graphic support directfrom CAD systems to enable programming based on componentgeometry and is able to optimise tasks such as wheel profilecreation and dressing.
Options include gauging, gap eliminationand crash detection devices, steady rests and a range offiltration and coolant systems.
Dynamic balancing, workholdingand a portable handwheel unit are available to help in machineoperation..
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