Grinding cycle programs now easier to set up
A CNC grinding machine builder has now included cycle programming in its control system, permitting very easy programming for grinding any type of workpiece by the aid of pictogramming.
Experience, market observation and feedback from our customershas encouraged us to develop the existing and proven StuderNCbasic package further. The package includes cycle programming,permitting very easy programming for grinding any type ofworkpiece by the aid of pictogramming. The new version has nowbecome a real desktop platform of grinding technology.
From thisdesktop, all data related to grinding are available forpractically any component.
The new version V5.x of StuderNC alsofeatures the calculation of grinding process data.
This includesmachining data as well as time and cost calculation.
All theother software packages, StProfil, StForm, StPunch and StThreadare related to functions and can be called up as perrequirements.
Philosophy - in our engineering work we made greatefforts to create advantages for our customers.
Our aim was,comparable to StPunch (Software for grinding non-round punches),to integrate the grinding technology in order to guaranteereproducibility, to ensure constant high quality and to reducegrinding times as much as possible.
Data storage should beworkpiece-related and logically clear and straightforward for theuser.
The idea was to preserve the customer's know-how andto call up the respective data later in order to adapt it to thenew machining task.
The process of component machining has beenmade transparent in every detail in order to make use of all theoptimising potential.
This is definitely the only method forincreasing the efficiency continuously: preserving the provenknow-how and to make it accessible to any other user a laterdate.
,Look and feel' This means: the appearance andoperation correspond as much as possible to the commercialWindows applications as they are known in conjunction withMicrosoft products.
High operator ergonomics was one of our maingoals.
The integrated grinding technology improves the efficiencyof the machine considerably.
Experience based on practical workin the range of fine machining by cylindrical grinding haveproved that rather often the operators of grinding machines workwith values resulting from their experience, which isastonishingly far away from the optimum.
So-called machiningtasks which can be defined by our customer's or by our ownspecialists help to produce components in a constantly goodquality and time independently from the operator who carries outthe job.
A machining task defines the behaviour of a certaingrinding tool in a specific material.
By doing so, the coolant,the rigidity of the component, the machinability of the materialand many other factors can be taken into consideration.
Byincreasing the quality of the optimisation of machining tasks,the optimising times can be reduced considerably for new, similarworkpieces.
For the production of individual parts and series,one will always be able to operate with former, highly optimiseddata for the same combination of tool and material.
This willreduce the running-in times to a level corresponding to that ofsame components which are machined repeatedly.
By indicating theexact time of each individual process, those for dressing andtraversing as well as the auxiliary times such as longitudinalpositioning by means of a length positioning, one should obtaininformation about the productivity.
The calculation should giveaccurate information for the quotation.
In addition, thecalculation of costs can go much further than that based merelyon the grinding time for a component.
For instance, toolingexpenses have to be taken into account.
This is extremelyimportant for job planning and for quotations.
* Dressing: Roughdressing cycles to profile, respectively reprofiling grindingwheels - for profiling, new rough dressing cycles are now atdisposal.
Roughing means - similarly as for milling or turning -creating an optimal assignment of cuts in order to remove as muchmaterial as possible in the shortest possible time.
By doing so,the set-up times are reduced to a fraction compared to those ofthe conventional method.
* The advantages - by using StuderNC andthe respective options for profiling and dressing the grindingwheels as well as for thread grinding and grinding non-roundsections of components, the customers gain an extremelysignificant increase of functionality for their universalcylindrical grinding machine.
In the simplest case this meansthat set-up, programming and grind-ing times will be reducedconsiderably.
In other cases, it may even be possible to avoidthe use of special machines, such as thread and cam grindingmachines.
Partially, the same also applies to special clampingfeatures such as eccentric chucks.
From this point of view, theinvestment will certainly be written off in a very short time.
*Range of applications - the range of application of StuderNC isalso intended for the real grinding Professional.
The system iscompletely open and allows changes in every section.
However,this product is useful even for the inexperienced user who,thanks to this application, can operate with littlegrinding-specific know-how.
Also standard Macro's defined inadvance by Studer cover a wide range of components.
In addition,this software is also useful for the job planning, namely forestablishing quotations and process data for the properproduction.
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