Friday, September 01, 2006

What's happening with tool and cutter grinding

Machining Technologies Association

My company was created a little over a year ago when Boeing decided to close its in-house tool grinding operation and go to outside suppliers. I saw an opportunity and was able to form a company using some of the more experienced Boeing people. We now have a two-shift, 14-man operation, 12 of whom are men averaging 25 years of cutting- tool grinding experience. Our company has 46 machine tools, three of which are CNC.

Our company specializes in tool and cutter grinding. We both recondition tools and manufacture specials. A special is defined by its shape, such as a multistep or multidiameter tool that may perform several functions. We went this route because in commodity manufacturing there is tremendous pressure to lower prices, and that usually means a drop in quality too.

Our tools are made chiefly from powder-metal, high-speed steel (HSS), and a wide variety of carbides. To help ensure longer tool life, we offer three multilayered PVD coatings, depending on the material to be cut: titanium nitride, titanium aluminum nitride, and titanium aluminum carbonitride. We are also investigating more complex coatings.

The wheels we use are primarily diamond and CBN. In general, diamond wheels are usually applied to carbide tooling while CBN is used on HSS and powder metal.

One of the advanced ideas we see emerging is a wheel that can grind a tool made of both carbide and HSS without loading, such as a carbide element brazed to a HSS holder. We are also expecting some new developments with CBN wheels.

The biggest trend in the industry is the continued move to highspeed machining. Part of this is driven by the need for higher-volume production. But there are also the advantages of greater part accuracy and lighter weight, because you can machine thinner sections. Plus, there is less internal stress in the finished part.

When making tools for highspeed operation, it is important to grind the tool on a CNC machine. Many reconditioners do not do this or they do part on a CNC and part on a conventional machine. The end users must specify this complete operation on a CNC if a quality, balanceable tool is to be produced. If an unbalance is created in the tool-grinding process the entire cutting process is jeopardized and can be disastrous when producing a part for high-speed work.

For example, say you are grinding an end mill. You do the OD on a CNC, then grind the radii on a separate machine. The small amount of variation in material will cause an unacceptable balance because of the high centrifugal forces generated at high speeds.

Material changes are another important issue in our industry, particularly by our aerospace customers. There are more aluminum and titanium alloys as well as some newer composites.

But the other half of the story is that customers have to be aware that they need to match the right tool with the right geometry to their particular job. It is also important that tools remain sharp to minimize tool wear and maintain cutting precision.

Standardization has been a buzz-word in industry for some time. It helps limit the need for large repair part inventory or a massive knowledge base for repairs. I agree that would be OK for some high-volume manufacturers, but on the other hand, standardization limits innovation. If you want technology to advance, suppliers must be free to innovate, otherwise everyone is a "me too" supplier.

Important changes have occurred in both software and hardware. But you have to be careful of what is really offered. In the area of software, for example, making specials requires a lot of talent on the part of the machine- tool operators. It is not the kind of information you get from off-the-shelf programs. These programs usually require a lot of training on canned routines. You can't program the ability to make a special tool to blueprint specifications.

On the hardware side, linear motors offer some important innovation.

But when is the technology really useful? For example, some suppliers offer 2g acc and dec. The big question is, how long does it take to achieve that speed change?

If you are machining a piece with a lot of pockets just 6" (152 mm) apart and it takes 2' (0.6 m) for the linear motor to reach top acceleration, what has it gained you? Issues like that will continue to drive technology.

If you sit still in this industry, you die. You have to keep pushing new technology and change the way people think. You have to stay ahead of the curve.

As to the future, I would like to see changes in two areas: hardware and politics. On the hardware side, I would like to automate more of our operations. On the political side, I wish the government to provide real assistance to industry instead of just claiming that they do.

Trade shows are important to me. We exhibit locally, but we don't go to the major shows. We are too small for that to be practical just now. However, I do attend a number through the year and will attend IMTS. It's a good opportunity to see a lot of technology at one time.