Monday, August 14, 2006

CNC Tool & Data Management

Our CNC Tool & Data Management System (CNC DataMan) offers increase performance, production, and reliability for your Machine Tools by managing the NC Data and Programs required by the CNC Control. CNC DataMan incorporates state of the art Tool Identification technology to maintain and manage your Tooling data in the Tool Crib and on the Shop floor. The system is ideal for companies that manage large inventories of tooling, deman--d short setup times on their Machine Tools, and require Tool Verification when a tool is brought into a Machine’s spindle.

v User Level Security

v Tool Identification By Code Tag

v True Tool Life Control

v Spindle Tool Verification

v Spindle Check Tool Function

v Tool Offset Verification

v Pot# Independent NC Programs (Uses 8-Digit Tool#)

v Automatic Tool Data Registration

v Tool Kit Management and Tool Tracking (Option)

v NC Program Upload, Download, Delete, and Drip Feed

v Work Zero Offsets Management

v Event History and Performance Data

v Machine Event & Status Monitoring (Option)

v Event Notification (to PC, E-Mail, Pager) (Option)---

v Presetter support for Tool Crib Management